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Est. 1989






In 1989, Peter McArthur, a keen trout fisherman, together with several like-minded colleagues, formed a trout fishing syndicate in the grounds of the 1000 acre Cinder Hill Estate on the edge of Ashdown Forest, near Horsted Keynes in West Sussex, with the objective of providing affordable fishing for the members.

Initially, only the first pool below the water splash at Birch Grove, now known as the Top Pool, was fished, following considerable effort to remove all the trees which were felled in the Great Storm of 1987, and having established a viable fishery, the next pool in the valley, Hurstwood, was added to the portfolio, followed a year or two later by the third in the series of lakes, McArthurs Pool, in 1992. 

Following the 1987 hurricane, when lots of trees were brought down on the estate, the landowners created three smaller pools at Piplye, namely; Grubbero Pool, Piplye Pool and Roundwood Pool. These were initially run as a private syndicate of 30 members, but were incorporated into the Cinder Hill Trouting Syndicate in 2006 to create the variety of waters we have today.

Originally, membership of the then Salmon and Trout Association (then Salmon and Trout Conservation UK and now simply WildFish) was a pre-requisite of Syndicate membership, which brought membership of the Sussex Branch of the Association to a very healthy level and indeed at one time there was a waiting list for new Syndicate members.

With the formation of the Angling Trust in 2009, Syndicate membership was extended to also include individual Trust members, but a decline in the number of anglers joining the Syndicate in recent years has led to the relaxation of these requirements and membership is no longer restricted to members of WilFish and/or the Angling Trust and is now open to anyone. Thankfully this has led to a reversal of the drop in numbers which is now looking quite healthy, with the original objective of affordable fly fishing still being the driving force of Cinder Hill Fly Fishing, which is now completely independent of any other organisation.

Up to the end of 2015 the Syndicate was operated by the Branch, but following an Inaugural General Meeting of members in October 2015, from 2016, the Syndicate became completely autonomous, managing it's  affairs under the control of it's own management committee and in 2019, we adopted the working title of "Cinder Hill Fly Fishing" in order to make membership more attractive to potential members.

However, we still support the work of WildFish, the Angling Trust and Fish Legal, and in association with these organisations, we attend a number of events each year to promote fly fishing and the wellbeing of the fish we hope to catch.

While membership of these worthy causes which work to protect and preserve fish, fishing and the waters in which they swim is no longer mandatory, we would urge all Cinder Hill Fly Fishing members, if not already a member, to consider joining one, the other, or even all three.

Interested in joining Cinder Hill Fly Fishing?   Follow the "Membership & Fees" link in the menu.

Details of our programme for the current year are available here.

To visit the WildFish website, please click here.

To visit the Angling Trust website, please click here.

To visit the Fish Legal website, please click here.

For a copy of our General Data Protection Regulations Privacy Notice, please click here.

For a copy of our Constitution Document, please click here.

A listing of Trout Fisheries in the South East of the UK can be viewed / downloaded here.


Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Any statements, opinions or information contained in this website, do not necessarily represent those of Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Updated  January 2025