Whenever possible, we run Adult and Junior Beginners
Courses for those wishing to
experience the joys of fly
fishing for the first time.
The courses are "tasters" for
those of all ages wishing to
try their hand at fly
fishing. Each
follows a structured
lesson plan and will be
delivered in a safe environment
at our lakes. The courses are fun and designed
to provide the pupil with the
confidence, skills and
technical / practical knowledge to
enable them to safely and
competently go fishing.
The courses commence with Health
& Safety Briefing,
followed by tackle selection and
assembly, prior to learning the
basic Roll and Overhead casts,
before moving on to the eagerly
anticipated actual fishing with
ongoing coaching and mentoring.
For further
details please e-mail
Angling Development Board
Development is a key role of the
Angling Trust now that it has
merged with the Angling
Development Board (ADB). Their
development work is supported by
Sport England, the Environment
Agency, British Waterways and
Sports Coach UK.
To find out more about the
scheme and to locate licensed
coaches on a National basis,
the Angling Trust Development web pages.
Qualified Instructors
or small group lessons may be
arranged directly with the
qualified Game Angling
Instructors detailed below:
A Beginners Guide
newcomers to Fly Fishing are
unsure what kit to buy or
encounter problems when
first starting out.
download a guide which will
hopefully answer some of the
many questions, please click