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2024 News & Events


20th July 2024 - Desilting of Grubbero Pool

Grubbero Pool, the top lake at Piplye, was last drained and de-silted back in 2011. Since then the silt brought down in the feeder stream and the weed growth, despite all our attempts to control the latter, has built up to the extent that the decision was made to again drain the lake and mechanically remove the silt and weed during the summer. To this end, the tap was opened on the 17th July, and the water allowed to drain out of the lake.

  Then followed an exhaustive four days by a team led by

  Kevin Reeves, our Chairman, to rescue and transfer

  any remaining fish into the middle lake. We were

  amazed to find around 50 plus trout surviving in the

  remaining water, thankfully a large number were saved

  although sadly some expired in the heat.

  The lakebed will then be left to dry out for 4 weeks, to

  make the silt and weed removal by digger that much

  easier, which is scheduled to take place around the

  middle of August with the work expected to take 7 to 10

  days. Once complete, the lake will then be allowed to

  refill, hopefully we will have some rain to boost the flow

  flow of the feeder stream, .and if the lake fills up in time,

  some fresh stock will be introduced for some end of

  season sport.



7th, 8th & 9th June 2024 - Sussex County Summer Show

We again had a stand for the three days of the Sussex County Agricultural Society Summer Show at Ardingly on the 7th, 8th & 9th June, where our marquee was situated in it's usual position adjacent to a the pond. While not quite so busy on the Friday, with the fine weather all three days, we had a steady stream of visitors and the instructors were kept busy with persons of all ages wanting to have a go at fly casting.          It was unfortunate that the powers that be had decided to erect a permanent fence around the pond, leaving a gap just wide enough to safely allow just two persons under instruction at any one time, which meant that there was a queue at times for those waiting to have a go. We also had a good number of anglers enquiring about membership of the Cinder Hill Fly Fishing Syndicate to add to our waiting list for the future.




19th May 2024 - Macmillan Charity Day

On Sunday the 19th May at Cinder Hill, we held our 7th annual Charity Fishing Day for Macmillan Cancer Support.  The day was very well supported by 25 members and guests, the sun shone, it didn't rain and for most the fishing was excellent. Once again many thanks go to Val Orchin and Mandy Reeves for so efficiently providing the food and drinks for the day with an excellent barbeque and to Jim Awcock for supplying the burgers, sausages  etc.

In total we raised an outstanding £900 to go with the £4785 we have raised since the inaugural event back in 2017.


A big thank you to all who took part and contributed to the day and especially to member Laurie Storer, who started it all off way back in 2017.

Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Any statements, opinions or information contained in this website, do not necessarily represent those of Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Updated June 2024