2019 News
& Events
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Party Outing to Brick Farm Lakes, 4th December 2019
On a
beautiful sunny early December day, with clear blue skies
and no wind to speak of, 14 members who had helped out at
work parties during the year, had a day out at Brick Farm
Lakes near Herstmonceux in East Sussex, including a mid
morning full English breakfast to fortify the inner man.

Unfortunately, despite the benign conditions and
possibly due to the over night frost on the day
and previous days, the early starters finding it
cold enough for the line to freeze in the rod
rings, the fish proved somewhat fickle and it
was a struggle to catch, several anglers
reporting gentle taps and tugs to their fly but
nothing willing to really grab hold and others
lightly hooking fish only for them to come off
during the fight or even at the net.
Never the less, most managed to catch at least
one fish and had an enjoyable day in great

Cinder Hill Fly Fishing and
Sussex Branch S&TC UK
at the Autumn
Show & Game Fair
Report Courtesy of Rod Yuill.
Once again, Cinder Hill Fly Fishing and the Sussex
Branch of Salmon & Trout Conservation UK were at the Ardingly
showground for the Autumn Show & Game Fair on the 5th and 6th of
We set up the tent on the Friday afternoon as
usual without too many hitches, only to realise that one of the end walls was
inside out! However, this did not detract from the security or
weather proof ness of the tent so we left it as
it was.
Our thanks are due to all our volunteers from
the membership and Branch for the time and hard
work that they put into making our attendance at
the event this year the success that it was.
Thank you particularly to the stalwarts who
turned out at the last minute to help us with
the set-up and special mention must go to Dee
Price, Nick Price’s wife, who came along to help
with the set-up on Friday and also with the take
down on Sunday.
It would seem that no one can pack the trailer
quite as well as Maria Cumbers and now Dee Price.
We were surprised at how busy we
were on the Saturday which turned out to be the best
day, with activities in the “Have a Go” casting
virtually non stop from around 10 in the morning
until 4:30 in the afternoon and we were all very
grateful to Lucy Taylor for the highlight of the day
with her excellent ginger cake. I’m afraid I have to
guiltily own up to having gluttonously devoured 3
The public attendance on Sunday was rather
disappointing in spite of the greatly improved
weather over the initial forecast for rain and
strong winds, which luckily did not materialize,
although it did rain heavily overnight and it’s
quite likely that quite a few people decided to come
on the Saturday rather than Sunday because of this. |
All those participating in the “Have a Go”
casting are entered into a draw for an Airflo Fly Fishing Kit and
this year’s winner was a young lady from Lewes who was so keen that
she actually had two sessions at the poolside.
There was quite a lot of interest in membership
of Cinder Hill Fly Fishing and hopefully, we will have recruited some potential new
members for next year.
We can now all relax and recover until the Annual
South of England Summer Show in June next year
Removal at Piplye
Despite all the best efforts of the
work party volunteers, we struggled to keep on top
of the weed growth in the top and middle lakes at Piplye and in the end decided to engage a contractor
to cut the weed.
He was on site for less than a
day with his mighty machine and managed to clear the
weed down to a depth of 5 or 6 feet.
As the winter approaches, the
weed growth should slow down and we hope members
will now be able to enjoy the autumn fishing without
their flies being constantly caught up in the weed,
there are certainly plenty of fish in all the waters
just waiting to be caught.
2019 Newsletter
To view our Autumn 2019 Newsletter,
please click
On Line
Auction 2019
For the past couple of years or so we have
held an on-line auction of various lots donated by members,
friends and our sponsors which have generated a welcome addition
to our funds.
We repeated the exercise again this year
and at the close at midnight on Sunday 20th October,
thanks to the generosity of the successful bidders, our funds
have benefited by a sum in excess of £600.
A full catalogue of the lots on offer can be
downloaded here

On Line Auction 2019
with the Countryside 2019
On a fine
summer day, on Thursday the 11th June, hundreds if not thousands
of year 5 and 6 primary school children from schools in Sussex,
Kent and Surrey descended on the Ardingly showground for the
annual Connect with the Countryside day, when they hopefully get
to learn all about food, farming, the countryside, the
environment and experience country pursuits.

As usual, Cinder Hill Fly Fishing
and the Sussex Branch of S&TC
UK were in attendance to provide a fly casting experience and
our 3 instructors were kept very busy, although unfortunately,
due to the sheer numbers, not all the children were able to have
a go.The children
all departed at around 2:30 in the afternoon and we were then
able to take a well earned rest before retiring to the Norfolk
Pavilion for a late snack lunch and a drink (or two !) provided
by the organizers.
during the event, when asked what was the best experience they
had during the day, one of the children said “the fly fishing”,
so we must have got something right and it’s gratifying to know
that our efforts were appreciated.
the15th June, for the third
year running, the Annual
Dinner was held at
the Cock Inn, Wivelsfield
As usual the event
was very well supported by
30 of our members and guests
and it was a great
opportunity to catch up with
some old friends and make
new. The atmosphere in the
pub was very relaxed, the
food and the service were
excellent and the evening
was thoroughly enjoyed by
were expressed to Mark
Orchin and his wife Val who
very kindly arranged the
thanks also to Val for
organising an amusing quiz (
just for fun – no prizes )
after the dinner.
Well done
Mark and Val.
Cinder Hill Fly Fishing and
Sussex Branch S&TC UK
at the South of England Show
Once again, Cinder Hill Fly Fishing and the Sussex Branch of Salmon & Trout Conservation UK were at the
South of England Show at Ardingly on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of June
this year. We set up the tent on the Tuesday afternoon as
usual and confounded our regular spectators who look to us to
provide some much needed entertainment by completing the task
without any hitches. It has been known for us to have the tent
almost completed before realising that one of the sidewalls was
inside out. Unfortunately, some unhelpfully timed rain showers
ensured that most of us returned home feeling rather damp.
The weather continued to be unhelpful on the
Thursday with occasional showers and a stiff breeze and things were even worse on the Friday with a
strong wind and almost continual rain all day, such that we spent
most of the time huddled in the tent in the dry, however, some brave individuals defied the weather and we
recruited several people who were interested in coming to the lakes
for a “Taster Session”, while surprisingly, there were also even
some who wanted to “Have-a-Go” at fly casting in spite of the
challenging conditions.

The weather certainly deterred visitor numbers on
the first two days and we all kept our fingers crossed for the
Saturday, which indeed was a much better day and although mostly
cloudy, there were some encouraging sunny intervals. The “Have-a-Go”
casting was busy
including some of the police cadets who were present at the event
and in addition there were several further
recruits for the “Taster Sessions”.
The draw for the “Have-a-Go” prize rod, together
with a box of flies donated by Selectafly, were won by an
enthusiastic young man from Chelwood Gate.
Although the public numbers appeared to be
significantly lower than last year, the team worked hard to make
contact with as many members of the public as possible.Again, we make no apology for mentioning our hard
working band of volunteer Instructors as well as Cinder Hill Fly
Fishing and
Sussex Branch S&TC members who put up with some unpleasant
conditions and worked hard to make the show a success for us and
helped recruit possible new members as well as S&TC UK.
We are indebted to everyone who supported us and
will again be attending the Autumn Show and Game Fair at Ardingly on
the 5th and 6th of October so why not come along and see us there.
Nathan, our Treasurer, has since received the following email
from the South of England Agricultural Society.
I am
writing on behalf the Society and, in particular, the
Countryside Education Committee, to thank you and the
members of the Cinder Hill Fishing group for the huge amount
of support you give to us throughout the year and in
particular at the South of England Show.
As you
are aware, all of us in the Discover the Countryside Area,
look forward to the arrival of your team and the sight of
you all putting up your tent tells us the Show is really on
it way !
opportunity for all ages of visitors to try their hand at
fly fishing is so important and you all make it so
interesting and enjoyable. I understand that the winner of
your prize was very complimentary about the show and his
experiences. I‘m sure that such a comment is worthy of
sharing with others both involved in the show and our
members, followers and visitors.
We also
appreciate the advise you give us on the care of the lake.
It is such an important asset to the showground and utilised
on a number of occasions to educate and entertain our
We look
forward to seeing you at the Connect with the Countryside
Day in July.
Very best wishes,
Carole Hayward JP DL.
Deputy President of the SEAS 2019 and
Chairman of the Countryside Education Committee.
First instigated by member Laurie Storer some 3
years ago, our annual Charity Day this year was held on Sunday 28th
April, this time at Cinder Hill, whereas the previous 2 events had
been held at Piplye.I

In glorious weather, the 23 members and guests
enjoyed a great day and partook of a scrumptious barbeque with
plenty of cool beer and other drinks on offer, while thanks to the generosity of those present,
donations and the proceeds of a raffle, raised an amazing £565 for
the Macmillan Cancer Support Charity, a most worthy cause, well done
everyone. Thanks are due to Laurie and Mark Orchin our
Secretary, for organizing the day, and especially Val and Mandy for
manning (womanning ?) the BBQ, who kept us fed and watered all day. Oh! and the fishing wasn’t bad either, a total of 40
hard fighting rainbow and brown trout being landed over the course
of the day - Brilliant! Oh! and the fishing wasn’t bad either, a total of 40
hard fighting rainbow and brown trout being landed over the course
of the day - Brilliant!
Match with the Sussex Branch of the Fly Dressers Guild,
the 13th April 2019
Report courtesy of Tony Kaatze.
At last the
weather gods relented and presented us with a perfect day at
this beautiful venue near Petworth in West Sussex for the annual
match between the Sussex Branch of the Fly Dressers Guild and
our combined Cinder Hill Fly Fishing / S&TC UK Sussex Branch team.
The fishing was
patchy, with some anglers bagging up in the morning and others
struggling, however everyone caught, with one exception, who, it
was claimed, was a fifth columnist “lent” to the other side!
Surprisingly Coot
Lake proved to be the most difficult, with Birch being the most
productive and Rosies close behind. First to bag up was Rod
Yuill of S&TC UK, but it proved to be a false start as the final
tally showed that FDG Sussex were a country mile ahead with 36
fish for a total weight of 84lb, with Ray Burt having the best
bag and best fish of the day of 14lb 13oz and 6lb 12oz
respectively, while our team landed 27 fish for 51lb 11oz, with
Mike Newman having the best bag of 8lb 5oz.
This was a most
enjoyable and convivial day, with many anglers qualifying for
both teams and the lunch was as usual outstanding – Caroline did
us proud – especially with the Pavlova!
Thanks also to
Martin who provided us with excellent fishing, although the big
browns he had put in failed to succumb to our efforts.
So the cup remains
with the Fly Dressers for another year, let’s hope 2020 is as good as
this, when perhaps revenge will be ours!
2019 Newsletter
To view our March 2019 Newsletter,
please click
We’ve got
some amazing Members.
We are lucky to have some amazing
members, one of
whom for understandable and
valid reasons is unable to come
along and help on our working
parties. Entirely of his own
volition, he decided to make a
voluntary donation of £50.00 to
our funds to make up for his
inability to help out.
You will know only too well how indebted we are to those
stalwart members who turn out to
help us maintain our lakes for
the benefit of all of the
members. There is an enormous
list of things that need to be
done every year and we only ever
manage to deal with the most
urgent few items.
No matter what the donation, whether
in time at work parties or
financial, we relay on our
membership to keep our
organisation working for us all.
If you are able to come along and help at a
work party please
contact either Clive Newington
(01892 864735,
clive@hendal.co.uk) or Mike Richardson (01435 812854,
as soon as you can.
You will
not be asked to do anything that
you don’t feel comfortable with
and the work usually takes place from
09:00 am until 13:00 pm.
Chairman's New Year Newsletter, January 2019
To view Rod Yuill's New Year Newsletter
please click