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 2022 News & Events

To access other year's News & Events, please return to News & Events page or click here

30th September 2022 - South of England Autumn Show and Game Fair

Cinder Hill Fly Fishing were again present at the South of England Agricultural Society Autumn Show and Game Fair at the Ardingly showground on the weekend of the 24th and 25th September.


The weather stayed fine and although quieter than the Game Fairs of old, we enjoyed two excellent days and it was worth our attendance to talk to potential new members and demonstrate Fly Casting, with a good number of visitors having a go themselves. The Sussex Branch of the Fly Dressers Guild did not have a separate stand this year but were represented in our marquee to demonstrate the delicate art of Fly Tying.

Our thanks are due to our Committee and other members, for erecting, manning and then packing away the stand for the weekend.

24th June 2022 - Summer Nesletter

The Cinder Hill Fly Fishing Summer 2022 Newsletter can be downloaded or viewed by clicking here.

15th June 2022 - South of England Show

After a lapse of two years due to the coronavirus pandemic, Cinder Hill Fly Fishing were once again present at the South of England Agricultural Society Summer Show at the Ardingly showground on the weekend of the 10th, 11th and 12th June.


With fine weather throughout all three days, our instructors were kept pretty busy with the "Have a Go Casting",as with free sessions for those under 16, many young people were keen to try out casting a fly line. We were joined on our stand by Barry Read of the Freshwater Informer and also recruited several new members such that our membership is now full for this year.

15th May 2022 - McMillan Charity Day

After several weeks with very little rain to speak of, the days before the 5th Annual Charity Day on Sunday 15th May, saw thunderstorms with heavy rain to thankfully refresh the waters.


The day itself at Cinder Hill Lakes was overcast, reasonably warm, with a light southerly breeze and gentle rain on and off throughout the day, ideal conditions for fishing and so it proved, providing some great angling with several fish in the 5 to 6lb range landed.  Mandy and Val produce great food with the barbeque meat supplied by member Jim Awcock, so nobody went hungry.


An amazing fund raising event for such an important cause, resulting in a donation of over £700 to the McMillan Cancer Support Charity. Well done everyone who took part.


1st April 2022 - Closure of the Sussex Branch of S&TC UK

Over the past several years, since the separation of the fishing side of things from the affairs of the Sussex Branch of Salmon and Trout Conservation UK with the formation of Cinder Hill Fly Fishing back in 2015 and the closure of the fishing at Arlington Reservoir in 2020, there have been no Branch activities as such, all the events now being organised and run by Cinder Hill Fly Fishing, although Branch members do still help out at the Ardingly shows,

The Branch Committee has dwindled and currently consists of just four officers, who are now getting a little long in the tooth and would like to take more of a back seat, having been in post for a great many more years than the Branch Constitution allows. Annually at past AGM's we have not received any nominations for new Officers or Committee and in view of the fact that the Branch now has no events requiring organizing, we have reached the regrettable conclusion that the annual expense of maintaining the Branch is no longer justified.  There is no income, the only outgoings being maintaining a website and postage costs, which are eroding the small amount of residual funds the Branch holds and we have now come to the conclusion that this money could be better utilised by our main national organisation.

We have therefore decided to dissolve the Branch, transferring any remaining funds to Salmon & Trout Conservation UK.

Branch members have been circulated via email and letter to this effect and while we received several responses in agreement with this decision, there were no objections or volunteers to take on the running of the Branch.

As a result, the current S&TC UK  Sussex Branch website will be closed down with effect from the 10th April 2022.

We trust that all current members of Salmon & Trout Conservation will continue their membership to support the good work they do in protecting our waters and the fish living therein.

24th February 2022 - Obituary: George Martin

It is with much sadness that we report the passing of George Martin who died in hospital following a very nasty fall in his home.

George was a long time member of the Syndicate, serving on

the Committee of the East Sussex Branch of the Salmon & Trout Association (now Salmon & Trout Conservation) for several years taking on the role of arranging the work parties to maintain the

waters and he was a regular attendee at subsequent sessions long after he had relinquished the organiser post.

He also always lent a hand erecting the marquee and serving

on our stand at the South of England Shows and Autumn Game

Fairs at Ardingly.

George was a proper countryman, gentle in nature, who liked to share a joke or two and always having a ready smile.

He will be sorely missed and we extend our sincere condolences to his family on their loss.

Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Any statements, opinions or information contained in this website, do not necessarily represent those of Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Updated May 2024