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 2023 News & Events

To access other year's News & Events, please return to News & Events page or click here


19th July 2023 - Summer Newsletter

Our Summer 2023 Newsletter can be viewed or downloaded by clicking here.



14th June 2023 - South of England Show

Friday the 9th through to Sunday the 11th of June saw our annual presence at Ardingly for the South of England Show, joined this year by our friends from Brick Farm Lakes and the Sussex Branch of the Fly Dressers Guild. In the very hot weather, our instructors were very busy giving free casting lessons to the public and we were delighted with how many enthusiastic youngster tried fly casting.



It was hot and tiring, but well worth it, as we gained some new members and helped a lot of people on their fly fishing journey.



10th June 2023 - Macmillan Charity Day

On Sunday the 4th June at Cinder Hill, we held our 6th annual Charity Fishing Day for Macmillan Cancer Support, where a full complement of members and guests enjoyed a great day’s fishing even though it got harder through the day as the sun got up high and temperatures rose.                                                                Our highly competent catering team of Mandy Reeves & Val Orchin did us proud throughout the day with beverages, home made cakes, cookies and of course the usual top quality Barbeque. A big thank you to Jim Awcock once again for providing the burgers and sausages which were great as usual.                    Representatives from Macmillan once again joined us for the day and with the generous donations from members and guests, we were very proud and delighted to boost our current tally of £3,170 from the last five years, by an additional magnificent £1615.



A big thank you to all who took part and contributed to the day and especially to member Laurie Storer, who started it all off way back in 2017.



12th January 2023 - Spring Newsletter

The Cinder Hill Fly Fishing January 2023 Newsletter can be downloaded or viewed by clicking here.

Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Any statements, opinions or information contained in this website, do not necessarily represent those of Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Updated May 2024