Welcome to


Est. 1989





Welcome to the Members Area. This section contains information on items purely for current members only and we hope that you will visit this section frequently so that you can be kept fully  informed about the fisheries and everything else that's going on.

Members are invited to submit items of interest for inclusion on this website, i.e. notable fish, successful flies or tactics, good days, what have you, with photos if possible, by email to: cinderhillflyfishing@gmail.com  All contributions will be gratefully received.

The "Waters" section gives information on the waters, with directions and maps of the venues.

The “Notices, News & Events” section includes announcements to members, fund raising, issues affecting the lakes and fishing such as closure dates, successful flies and tactics, news, items from members and anything else of interest to help you fully enjoy the fishing on offer at the various waters. Please make special note of any dates when one or other venue might be closed because of shooting parties on the estate.       The other set of lakes should however almost always be available.

Catch Datacontains the detailed monthly stocking and catch figures for both Cinder Hill and Piplye lakes up to the previous month end and “Terms and Conditions” contains the fishery rules.  

"Water Maintenance" covers all the work carried out by members at the work party sessions needed to keep the fisheries in a safe and accessible condition throughout the year. Don’t forget that whilst all members are entitled to 25 visits per season, by coming along and helping at water maintenance work parties during the year you can add additional visits to this number.

"Water Quality" shows the results of measurements of the temperature and dissolved oxygen levels of the water in the lakes, which is important in ensuring the survival of our expensive stocked fish and particularly so in the summer months at times of high temperatures and with little rain to refresh the waters.

"Local Weather" provides a link to the BBC Weather Forecast for the Horsted Keynes area.

Current Officers of Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Membership Secretary

Robert Nathan

01892 770903



Kevin Reeves

01825 790648,  07789 796498



Mark Orchin

07891 129350



Les Everard

01825 791103



Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Any statements, opinions or information contained in this website, do not necessarily represent those of Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Updated May 2024