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Est. 1989









Please help out at a Work Party

Vital to the successful operation of the fisheries, water maintenance work parties enable us to maintain our lakes to provide safe and adequate access to the waters by keeping the bankside growth in check, removing excessive weed etc. while minimizing costs and keeping subscriptions at an affordable level.

This means, that, apart from unavoidable expenses like rent, insurance and the need to maintain a reserve to cater for the occasional essential capital expenditure, the rest of the  subscription income is spent on the purchase of fish for stocking.

Although sometimes hard work, work parties are always enjoyable. They provide a good opportunity to get to know some of the other members, can improve ones knowledge of the fisheries and fishing and are all part of belonging to an organisation

All members are encouraged to help out if they are able, working at their own pace under the direction of the person in charge for the session, using their own or our tools and equipment. No one is be asked to do more than they feel capable of.

Work parties are generally arranged on a Wednesday morning during the week, with participants normally meeting up at around 9:00am and working until lunchtime, usually stopping for a bit of a break mid-morning.

As an incentive and reward, those taking part in a work party earn an additional fishing visit for each session attended.

Some photos of typical sessions are shown below to wet your appetite. 


Work Party, Piplye Ponds, 27th May 2020



Piplye Ponds, 27th May 2020

             Coffee Break, Social Distancing Style!                               Good to see the boat being used at last.



Cinder Hill



Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Any statements, opinions or information contained in this website, do not necessarily represent those of Cinder Hill Fly Fishing

Updated January 2023